April 4, 2019 @ 4:15 pm - 7:15 pm
On Thursday April 4th, the CVI Alumni Association presents dinner and an audio described movie.
The movie is “Widows”, starring Viola Davis and Colin Farrell. The screening will be at CVI – 739 West Peachtree Street NW Atlanta and will start promptly at 5 PM. For those using MARTA Mobility we suggest a return pick up time of 7:15 PM.
Dinner is at 4:15 PM. The menu will be spaghetti, garden salad, garlic bread and chocolate cake with sweet tea, lemonade & water. A $10 donation will be collected at the door, and there will be a door prize drawing.
If you have questions please contact John W. Smith at 404-245-8230. Again contact John at 404-245-8230.
We look forward to seeing you and enjoying a great audio described movie.