Meet the team that keeps GaRRS running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Interim Executive Director – Jane Boynton
404-317-0250 or
Production Manager – Eric Singer
404-685-2824 or
Office Manager – Karen Pennerman
404-685-2832 or
Board of directors
President - Vincent Martin
Senior Accessibility and Usability Engineer
Secretary - Scott Kavanaugh
Property Management Operations Director, CBRE
Vice President - Katie Walton
Restaurant Development, Chick-fil-A Inc.
Treasurer - Robert R. Ruprecht
Retired, Deloitte & Touche
Board members
James Baird
Vice President, Information Security, CISO, Focus Brands, LLC
Dr. Frank Bell
Retired, Ophthalmologist
Valerie Meadows Suber
Retired, Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
Sujit CanagaRetna
Retired, The Council of State Governments
Jack Gilson
Retired, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation
Synge Tyson
Principal Accessibility Consultant and Assistant Vice President, U.S. Bank
Neil Ligon
Executive Director, Living Independence for Everyone