Capitol View

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Hosted by Mike Galifianakis, formerly the State ADA Coordinator for Georgia, guests discuss various disability-related policies and issues of concern to the disability community.
Clinton Smith, Ivan Garcia – EEOC’s Mediation Program
Alice Ritchhart – 2024 GCB/NFBGA Legislative Initiative
Charlie Miller – Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
Lauren Ruchin (VA) – PACT Act
Anil Lewis – NFB
MacArthur Jarrett – Legislative Chair for the NFB of Georgia
Clark Rachfal – ACB
Alice Ritchhart – GCB’s 2023 Legislative Agenda
Karl Cooper – Inflation Reduction Act
Karl Cooper – American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD)
Dr. Nathan Moon – voting
Guy Toles (CIDI)- Braille Literacy
Johan Rempel – Autonomous Vehicles
Johan Rempel – Voting Accessibility
2022 Georgia Legislative Session, plus Alice Ritchhart
Current state of voting rights, and accessible voting for individuals with a variety of disabilities
Carolyn Phillips
Alice Ritchhart – GCB 2022 Legislative Agenda
Gaylon Tootle – NFB 2022 Legislative Agenda
Stacey Peace – Georgia ADA Coordinator’s Office
STABLE Act – Doug Jackson and Lynne Riley
Kathy Lovell – Disabilities Outreach Specialist for Regions Bank
GVA and NFBGa Days at the Capitol – Legislative Efforts
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger – Election Voting Machines
Barry Taylor – Vice President for Civil Rights and Systemic Litigation at Equip for Equality
Gaylen Tootle – Legislative priorities of the National Federation of the Blind, and the NFB of Georgia.
Michelle Bishop (with the National Disability Rights Network) – Voting
Dr. Peter Blanck
Devon Orland – Litigation Director for the Georgia Advocacy Office
NFB of Georgia’s Legislative Agenda for 2019 – Gaylon Tootle
Paulo Falabella of Spark Therapeutics
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
Dr. Fernando Alva Terrio of Sunu
Representative Katie Dempsey