March 3, 2018 @ 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
An event every month that begins at 12:00 pm on day First of the month, repeating until December 31, 2020
The next NFB Atlanta Metropolitan Chapter meeting will be Saturday March 07, 2020. We will be meeting at CIDI (formerly AMAC) located at 512 Means St in Atlanta (Georgia Tech University Campus), from Noon to 2:30 p.m.
When scheduling your ride pickup, please schedule for 2:30 pm or later. This will help our volunteers to get everyone up to the main lobby by 2:35.
Please remember your 2020 dues are $10 per year.
Refreshments will be served, and time permitting, Vanessa will get us laughing and moving to burn off some of those calories. So, come join us for education, fellowship and fun.
If you have any questions, please contact President Dorothy Griffin at: or 404-632-5989. Visit our website at, under the chapter link.