March 8, 2018 @ 4:15 pm - 7:15 pm
The CVI Alumni Association proudly presents dinner and a movie. The movie will be “Couples Retreat” starring Vince Vaughn and Jason Bateman screening on Thursday, March 8th at CVI, 739 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta GA 30308 in the Bellsouth Conference Room on the 4th Floor. The movie will start promptly at 5 PM. For those persons using MARTA Mobility, we suggest a return pick up time of 7:15 PM.
Dinner will start at 4:15 PM. The menu will consist of meatloaf, rice and rutabaga with lemonade, tea and water. There will also be pound cake for dessert. A $7 donation will be collected at the door. There will be a $10 door prize drawing. If you have any questions please contact John W. Smith at 404-245-8230. We look forward to seeing you and enjoying a great audio described movie.