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GaRRS Service Programming

GaRRS Service Programming

Join us every Saturday for a 30-minute program featuring information integral to the lives of our listeners:

1st Saturday: Out & About- take a trip with host Jody Franco as she provides a descriptive tour of sites and events around the world.

2nd Saturday: Eye On Blindness- join Empish Thomas as she interviews a variety of service providers across Georgia and explores various programs and services available to listeners who are visually impaired.

3rd Saturday: At Your Service- a monthly interview program hosted by Jane Boynton & Paula Ferguson highlighting Quality of Life programs and services of government, business and other service providers. The program concentrates on services for the blind, visually-impaired and print-impaired.

4th Saturday: Capitol View- hosted by Mike Galifianakis, former national Rehabilitation Services Administration Commissioner, guests discuss various disability-related policies and issues of concern to the disability community.

5th Saturday: Research Watch- Dr. Vincent Martin explores research and new potential applications for individuals with limited ability to access print.


Event Timeslots (1)

:28 minutes

Event Timeslots (1)

  • Saturday


    :28 minutes

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